
Public cloud vs Private cloud and Hybrid Cloud

public cloud vs private cloud vs Hybrid Cloud

Public cloud vs Private cloud vs Hybrid Cloud, which One I chose for my Business? What is exactly the Difference? With the advancement of IT, we need to do computational work everywhere and all the time. It also needs people to be able to do their heavy computing work without having to have expensive hardware and software. Cloud computing has been the latest technology response to these needs. Cloud Computing is based on computer networks like the Internet. It provides a new model for the supply, consumption, and delivery of computing services (including infrastructure, software, platform, and other computing resources). “Cloud Computing” is a combination of two words of cloud and computing. The cloud here is a metaphor for a network or network of vast networks, such as the Internet. Based on the Longman Dictionary such as Oxford the use of a computer and the operation of computers or things that a computer does is called computing. In other words, computing is exactly the word of computing which means computing.

public cloud vs private cloud vs Hybrid Cloud

Before getting started with Public cloud vs Private cloud vs Hybrid Cloud, let’s dive in and find out what is Cloud Computing? and what are it’s concepts?

What is Cloud Computing with example?

Since this technology is newly introduced to the market no one has defined it perfectly. But Microsoft & Wikipedia has defined it in this way.

Cloud Computing is an IT Technology, which gives the Privileges of storing, accessing and sharing data over the Internet. In simple words, it is an External Hard Disk which provides you with the different services of storage, databases, networking, software and more. read more

Note: Some geeks have divided Cloud Computing into 2 types of based on the location and Services.

Based on the Location covers the Private, Public & Hybrid Clouds.

Based on the services covers the below items:

  1. IaaS (Infrastructure-as-a-Service)
  2. PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service)
  3. SaaS (Software-as-a-Service)

And maybe other services such as Storage, Database, Information, Process, Application, Integration, Security, Management, Testing-as-a-service.

There are three models of cloud computing, Public, Private and Hybrid Cloud.

Public Cloud: The Public Cloud is a Computing service which is provided by third-party providers using the internet for the Public. These services may be free or may be sold on demand which allows the customers to pay per usage of the storage, Applications, Bandwidth, VMs and more.

Private Cloud: Private Cloud is also a computing Cloud Services which involves a distinct and secure cloud-based environment. As a service Private Cloud & Public Cloud are both the same. But Private Cloud delivers scalability and self-service but through a proprietary architecture. It means a private cloud delivers services only to a single organization.

Private Cloud is also known as internal or corporate cloud, which offered over the internet or a private internal network. As a result, businesses who require direct control over their environments are using Private Cloud. It means for their custom security, business governance or regulatory compliance requirements they are choosing it.

Hybrid Cloud:  Hybrid Cloud is the combination of the Private and Public Cloud which uses a mix of on-premises. Hybrid cloud allows the data and Applications to be shared between both clouds.

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Public cloud vs Private cloud vs Hybrid Cloud

What is the exact difference between these models of the cloud? Which one is the Perfect choice for your business? Which one has the best security? Will it concern me or no? & many more questions. You can find all of your answers in the table below. Beyond that, you will find what are the advantages and disadvantages of Private, Public and Hybrid Clouds.

They are located inside the Organization. Private POPs are located inside the OU & Public Cloud POPs are located anywhere. The Private Cloud is managed by their own people while the Public is managed by CSP. The Organization is buying their servers in order to create their own cloud. The organization must provide hardware for the private cloud, while the hardware of CSP is used for public cloud services. It is expensive than the Public Cloud because of all the hardware, applications and networks will be bought by the Organization. The private cloud services must be provided by the organization, including the hardware, applications, and network, while the CSP manages the public cloud services.

Difference Public Cloud Private Cloud Hybrid Cloud
Tenancy With share environment, data’s of multiple OU are stored in the cloud. Data’s of only one OU is stored in the cloud. The stored data in the Public Cloud Remains Public & Private data will remain Private unless You make it public.
Services Anyone can use their services if they have an internet connection. Only the Organization has access to the Services. The services on Private Cloud can only be used by the Organization & it’s Crew while the public cloud can be accessed by anyone.
Data Center Location Where ever the cloud provider servers are located, their POPs are also located there.
Cloud Service Management The Cloud Providers are managing them. The Organization has their own Administrators to manage the cloud.
Hardware Components All the Hardware components are provided by the Cloud Service Management.
Expenses The CSP will Provide all the resources such as Hardware, set-up the Application and more according to Service-level agreement.

Advantages & Disadvantages of Public, Private & Hybrid:

Public Cloud Advantages:

  1. Low investment: It means pay for what you use.
  2. Good test/development environment for applications that scale to many servers.

Public cloud risks:

  1. With the Multi-tenancy and transfers over the Internet, you have to be aware of the security.
  2. IT organization may react negatively to loss of control over data center function.

Private cloud benefits:

  1. Don’t worry too much about the security because they are in your area.
  2. IT organization retains control over data center.

Private cloud disadvantages:

  1. High investment hurdle in private cloud implementation, along with purchases of new hardware and software.
  2. New operational processes are required; old processes, not all suitable for the private cloud.

Hybrid cloud benefits:

  1. Operational flexibility: run mission-critical on the private cloud, dev/test on the public cloud.
  2. Scalability: run peak and busty workloads on the public cloud.

Hybrid cloud risks:

  1. Hybrid clouds are still being developed; not many in real use.
  2. Control of security between private and public clouds; some of the same concerns as in public cloud.


This was all about public cloud vs private cloud vs Hybrid Cloud. I hope this Article was helpful to Your Business. If you have any idea or suggestion Please comment on the article or visit the Forum.

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