the power of words

Do you ever stop to wonder how the words you say to other people impact them?
How about the words you say to yourself?

Power of words are not simply sounds caused by air passing through our larynx, they have real power. Power of words can create doubt and negativity, or can be the seeds of change and the start of something great. You all may have noticed, just reading a simple quote can change your outlook on a bleak-looking day and can easily motivate you.

There’s a powerful TED talk given by Tammy Kling, titled “How To Save a Life”  Where she shared that words also can change a life or possibly can save a life. And also stated that words contain tremendous power: it can be either positive, constructive power or negative destructive power.

Power of Words affect kids easily

Kids listen__ Kids react.

In 1992, a group of philosophers from different countries convened to search the differences between the ways of children’s thinking among few selected nations. At first they asked some Christian kids to draw an image of their God. The result they received was a celestial and smiley man having white wings and outfit, sitting on the clouds. And then, they came across the Islamic countries. They asked the same thing to draw an image of their God. Most of the drawings were giving a common message: A huge man hanged in the air, having a large spear, with an angry frowned face looking.

This is actually a sad reality, from the young age kids are being taught not to act in certain ways that God gets furious on them. Most parents have no idea about power of words, and do not care what they teach and say to their children. They literally do not know sometimes a simple three-words phrase can stuck in children’s minds for a lifetime. So not only the elders, but each one of us seriously have to take care of the words we say to others and ourselves.

We all have heard a lot and probably most of the times people say to us “Think before you speak.” __ and another one is that” You are going to eat those words.”

These two phrases may sound kinda weird to us, but in reality, we are compelled to think before we speak and undoubtedly we do eat our words. what we say not only affects others, but it also affects us. In fact, anyone who wants to be healthy is more careful to choose a good quality of food that will provide them good nutrition. Therefor, if we want to be healthy in our soul and  spirit, we should also choose to take the words which will build us up and increase our peace and joy. as we have seen, we eat our words, and we can rightfully say that they are food for our souls.

As we have learned enough about power of words, they are wonderful when used in a proper way. They can encourage, edify, and give confidence to the hearer. A right word spoken in a right time can actually be life changing; while on the other side, they also can easily destroy one’s hope and spirit, and even stir up hatred and violence.

In this case, we would better always plan to speak positive things. As God has given us a new nature, and we are told to renew our minds and attitudes daily, like having positive outlook on life and speaking positive words.

Thinking about what you talk about is the most important…

Well, several discussions are being done on positivity Vs. negativity, but despite them, it’s really difficult. I found to control our thoughts. We cannot control our thoughts but we can rule our words. What a benefit as far as words can be more powerful than thoughts. Everything is in our control, and it’s said not to use negative words, such as: I never do anything right.__I will never change.__i am ugly. __I look terrible.__I am dumb… And all kinds of these. Methew says, “By your words you will be justified and by your words you will be condemned.”  That’s true, the way we think and speak about ourselves, reveals how we actually feel about ourselves.


Moreover, the words that come out of our mouth goes into our own ears as well as the other people’s, and then they drop down into our soul where they give us either joy or sadness, peace or upset, depending on the types of words we have spoken. Our words even can oppress our spirit. And for this God says that our spirit should be lights free so it can work properly, not heavy and oppressed. So, the time we understand the power of words and realize that we can choose what we think and speak, our lives can be transformed.

Our words are not forced on us, they formulate in our thoughts and then we speak them. So we can learn to choose our thoughts, to resist wrong ones and focus on good, healthy and right ones.

It’s said, ” Where the mind goes, the man follows.”

But we can also say, ” Where the mind goes, the mouth follows.”


Muhammad Qahtani’s Speech

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