
How to Manage Anger

Anger is feeling mad in response to frustration or injury. It is an emotional-physiological-cognitive internal state. It can be defined as an emotional state that varies in intensity from mild irritation to intense fury and rage or aggression (Griffin, 2006). Aggression is a one of the basic human emotion. It is quite normal but in the case when it is managed properly. Everyone gets aggressive especially, mild anger is sometimes very useful to express to deal with situations and strong emotion.

However, if anger is expressed in harmful ways, or persists over a long period of time, then it can lead to problems in relationships at home and at work and can affect the overall quality of your life.

“Anyone can become angry – that is easy. But to be aggressive with the right person, to the right degree, at the right time, for the right purpose, and in the right way – this is not easy.” (Aristotle, The Nicomachean Ethics, cited in Goleman, 1996)

Anger can often lead to violence if not properly controlled and some people use aggressiveness as an excuse for being abusive towards others. Violence and abusive behaviour gives someone power and control over another person usually through creating fear.

Anger Management

anger management is about knowing the triggers and early warning signs of anger, and learning techniques to calm down and manage the situation before it gets out of control (Anger Control) The aim of anger management is not to internalizing or suppressing anger rather to understand the underline factor behind your emotion of anger, the goal is to express emotions in constructive way.

Here are some very easy method that you can do at home to mange your anger to minimum.

Deep breathing

Your breathing rate and heart rate both increase when you become emotionally aroused. You can learn to reverse these increases by deliberately slowing your breathing and/or systematically relaxing your tense muscles. Relaxing in this manner will help you to maintain control. There are a number of breathing exercises that teens can use to help manage feelings.


Diversion method

They are rather in elegant method but they help you keep your anger at bay you can use these method when you start noticing you anger sign or when you are angry you can divert your attention in this way it can keep you away from acting out and doing something irrational when you feel aggressive.

 keep 4-5 type of coins in your drawer or in your pocket, when you feel angry you can just put your hand on these coins without looking and try to assess what type of coins are they.

 Tell yourself you will let your anger show itself after a ten second delay if you still feel aggressive after those ten seconds. Counting from ten to zero can help you put off your feelings for the moment.

a stress-relief toy, such as a stress ball, can help in the immediate experience of anger. Because they prompt you to squeeze and release a group of muscles.

Stress balls can give you some of the benefits of progressive muscle relaxation more immediately. However, they are a stop-gap solution and should be couple with other techniques for the best long-term results (Schuder, 2016).

hope you can mange your anger, with these easy and quick techniques. Next time i write about psychological therapies that you can do. so keep tuning…!

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