As we are facing many challenges while using internet in this modern age. We must know how to challenge legally this growing evil.
Many internet users, and electronic users think that Know one is here to listen to him or help him. But its not true from now onward you can file complaint against cyber crime.
If you have been scummed don’t afraid put the culprits behind the bars. Registering a complaint with FIA’s cyber crime wing is very simple, and even does not require you to go anywhere. click her for detail list of punishable crime
Send your detailed application to FIA National Response Center for Cyber Crimes(NR3C).
Write application to,
To Director Cyber Crimes,
FIA Heaquarters, Islamabad
Write complete Detail, prof and information with the application.
Fax: 051-9266435
If you register your complain through Email You will get response in 24 hours, and it may take 7 days to receive letter. they will provide you complaint no. known as tracking no. to track the case progress.
Attention please!!
FIA Cyber Wing accepts applications only in two formats.
1) Email 2) FAX
If you want to know what crimes come under Cyber Crime, read this PDF document (Electronic crimes related laws in Pakistan).
Furthur contact FIA Nr3C offices for detail (for detail click here)
FIA Cyber Crime Wing contact:
Project Director
National Response Center for Cyber Crimes
FIA Head Quarter
G-9/4, Islamabad
Tel: # 051-9106380
Fax: # 051-9106383
Help Desk
National Response Center for Cyber Crimes
FIA Head Quarter
G-9/4, Islamabad
Tel: # 051-9106384
Cell: # 0336-6006060
Fax: # 051-9106383