
How Different Types of Healthcare Facilities Handle Medical Waste

Various healthcare facilities consult a medical waste handling company that work within the four walls of a health facility to handle the waste. One should contact a company that understands healthcare. It’s vital that one should have a clinical focus on eliminating infection transfer risks, minimizing patient interruption and increasing the efficiency of patient and staff safety. There are various ways that the contracted company can have a clinically designed containment system and waste management. Below we highlight different methods of handling waste:

1. Staff training

Healthcare facilities should contract a company that offers training to staff on how to handle waste to reduce infection among themselves and patients. They should recommend that while handling healthcare by-products, one has to wear protective gear like gloves with bodysuit so as not to get infected. Staff should always make sure the by-products containers are clean and highly sanitized. Wash your hands, body using medicated soaps. Ensure their workplace is ever neat and clean. Staff members should make sure that pharmaceutical waste, radioactive waste, and chemotherapy waste are kept in well-labeled containers to enhance safety.

2. Incineration

Different types of private healthcare facilities prefer to incinerate medical waste. Thus they should contract a company that will offer this service. This process entails burning medical waste in temperatures of 982 to 1093 degrees Celsius. This is a quick way of getting rid of disposal materials. However, they should be careful with their emissions

3. Autoclaving

It’s a method that is less costly and has no documentation of health impact. Thus making it a suitable choice over incineration by waste handling companies. Before disposing of medical waste in a landfill, they should be sterile. Many waste bags are kept in a chamber after which the waste handling company pass steam through it over time at a specified temperature and pressure. The result is the destruction of microorganisms. Microbiological waste is suitable for autoclaving. However, pathological, and some toxic waste are not autoclave.

4. Gas sterilization

Medical waste is fed into a vacuum chamber and treated with a sterilizing agent such as formaldehyde. The gas kills harmful and infectious medical waste. Some companies use Ethylene oxide in the gas sterilization process. However, the EPA does not recommend it as it has some toxic elements.

5. Thermal inactivation

When handling large volumes of liquid clinical waste, waste handling companies prefer this process. The chamber is pre-heated to a specific temperature and the liquid is held inside for a specified time. The result is to kill infectious agents before releasing the liquid.


There are various types of private healthcare facilities that make sure the medical waste handling process is taken seriously. Institutions such as blood banks, hospice homes, private dialysis, and private birth centers know that one mistake in waste handling could wreak havoc to the entire institution. Thus while handling medical waste they make sure they use a company that knows the applicable regulatory requirements. They assess the capabilities, costs and associated environmental and health risks. Contracting a company that will handle waste provides a solution to waste management as the health facility focus on other health care treatment care.

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