Habits that Enhance Your Beauty and improve your Look
Everyone has a unique beauty. If you want to look more gorgeous and attractive, you should take care not only of your physical but also your spiritual or inner beauty. We humans are created out of two basic things i.e., body and soul. Both are interdependent. Remember, you are beautiful if u feel beautiful. Real beauty lies inside your heart. Therefore, some of the important points are discussed below:
1. Get enough sleep
Sleeping for 6-10 hours at night is what your body needs. Don’t over-eat before going to bed. Don’t eat two hours before bed, take a glass of warm milk and stay away from caffeine. Its good to set a regular bedtime.
2. Be sure to protect your skin
First identify your skin type (i.e., dry, oily, combination, normal). Choose products made for your skin type for better results. Wash your face gently with cold water in the morning and in the evening for about 10 seconds. This will tone your skin naturally and will also help close the pores. Don’t rub your skin hard. Don’t ever sleep with your make-up on. Your pores will get clogged and you’ll start breaking out. After washing your face, use a good moisturizer that is made for your skin type. In case of blackheads or whiteheads, you may use Biore Deep Cleansing Pore Strip. You don’t need harsh chemicals for shiny hair and smooth skin. Just be natural.
3. Try to use beauty treatments when u need it
There are many beauty treatments that you can do at home. You may use honey mask to reduce the fine lines and to get more youthful looking face. Simply mix two tablespoons of honey with two teaspoons of whole milk. Warm slightly in the microwave and then smooth the mixture onto your face and relax for 10 minutes. Once complete, rinse off your face and enjoy the results.
4. Balanced Diet is necessary
Avoid frequently eating oily, fried, junk foods, tea and alcoholic and acidic drinks because they will affect you digestive system badly that can affect your health and skin. instead, add more milk, cereals, veggies, fruits and dry fruits to your diet to get plenty of vitamins and minerals. Take your breakfast, lunch and dinner on time. Drink more water especially in morning before breakfast. Don’t smoke!
5. Daily aerobic exercise will make your day
Go for a walk in a park. Do what makes you move and what you enjoy (walking your dog, easy exercise, running, dancing, meditation whatever you like. Breath fresh air. Morning walk is very beneficial. In morning, think at least for 20 minutes about what you have done and now what you are going to do today i.e assess yourself. These activities will make you feel more confident and happy and boost your circulation to get beautiful glowing skin. . And don’t forget to smile.