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5 Best Healthy Fruits to Eat
5 Best healthy fruit can help you to keep doctors away. We always heard that an Apple a day keeps doctor away but what about other fruits? Most fruits are naturally low in fat, sodium, and calories. None have cholesterol. Fruits are sources…
Think again before taking sleeping pills
Maybe it's not insomnia! According to Sleep Health Foundation, around 1 in 3 people suffer from insomnia or ever mild insomnia. Plus, I have been amongst them too. So in case you too find it hard to sleep at nights, give my advice a…
Stress Stress is a debilitating feeling you experience when you are under pressure. It is manifested by physiological, cognitive, behavioral, and emotional symptoms. Whenever you are exposed to a menacing situation, you undergo symptoms…
Exercise Regular keeps your body in shape and your mind minty fresh
A healthy mind and healthy body are fundamental prerequisites of desirable quality of life. Exercise is more important for both of these than people give it due importance. Exercise is indispensable for optimum physical as well as mental…
Balanced Diet
A lot of young girls and boys take to various means of appearing slim and smart. High impulsivity levels of young generation hinder their waiting process therefore they adopt quick ways of losing weight such as exercise. However these modes…
Trust me on this, smoking is not cool. It’s beyond my reasoning ability to comprehend the cause of lucidly poisoning yourself while being thoroughly aware of the detrimental consequences that will inevitably make you fall face first in the…
Peace of Mind
It’s not uncommon for uninvited thoughts to often show up unexpectedly and intrude the boundaries of your peace thus creating an inevitable unrest in your mind. Despite not being welcome, these thoughts aim to reside permanently in your…
Stigma on seeking mental aid
Stigma on seeking mental aid
Existence of mind dates back to beginning of human life on Earth approximately 200,000 years ago. Humans have been gaining knowledge about potentially anything that they come across ever since their evolution.…
know about Anxiety to reduce it
Anxiety is the most common world wide term used by people usually to describe the feeling of restless, keyed up sensation and frustration of unknown. APA (n.d.) describe anxiety as an "emotion characterized by feelings of tension, worried…
How to Reduce the Waist Size- Healthy Ways to Trim Your Belly Fat
How to Reduce the Waist Size- Healthy Ways to Trim Your Belly Fat
Reducing your waist size improves not just your look but also your health and fitness. The following few changes in your daily routine will help you to gain the waist size…